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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.10.04 14:23. Заголовок:

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.10.04 14:25. Заголовок: Re: saaber

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.10.04 14:30. Заголовок: Re: Татьяна

думаю, что в первую очередь спасибо надо сказать
главному редактору Т&Б Виталию Яковенко - одному из очень немногих людей
в журналистской братии, искренне переживающих за то дело, которым занимается.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.10.04 17:20. Заголовок:

Здорово, что ты это выложил сюда. Очень хороший материал.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.04 01:32. Заголовок:

Кафельников увлекся покером, а Саргсян проигрался в блэк-джек

28/10/2004 19:12

На берегах Невы продолжается теннисный турнир «St. Petersburg Open», в рамках которого звезды «белого спорта» бьются за призовой фонд в миллион долларов. Впрочем, как удалось выяснить корреспонденту «Фонтанки», известные теннисисты не прочь в свободное от сетов время посетить казино.

Так финалист прошлогоднего турнира, известный армянский игрок Саргис Саргсян признался, что как все южные люди любит поиграть в нарды, шахматы, а из карточных игр больше всего увлекается блэк-джеком. Но берется за карты Саргис совсем не для того, чтобы заработать денег. Просто ему очень нравится ни с чем не сравнимое состояние азарта.

Вот и на традиционной вечеринке для теннисистов, проходившей во вторник в «Астории», сразу после варьете, Саргсян отправился в казино. Правда, «госпожа удача» в этот вечер не улыбнулась известному спортсмену.

-Я проиграл где-то пару сотен долларов, - улыбается Саргис, - но нисколько не огорчился. Просто хорошо отдохнул, расслабился за карточным столом. Но и особо увлекаться было нельзя, ведь на утро меня ждал ответственный матч.

Вечеринка в ночном клубе действительно помогла Саргису расслабиться как следует. На следующий день он в отличном стиле победил своего принципиального соперника Ираклия Лабадзе из Грузии.

А вот Марат Сафин, несмотря на приглашение оргкомитета, светское мероприятие проигнорировал. Наверное, россиянин очень хочет установить рекорд «St. Petersburg Open», выиграв в третий раз почетный мельхиоровый трофей.

Кстати еще небольшой штрих к групповому портрету теннисистов на фоне рулетки. Года три назад здесь же, на турнире, Марат удивил журналистов своим признанием относительно походов в игорные дома вместе с Евгением Кафельниковым. Как оказалось, эмоциональный и импульсивный на корте Марат превращается у рулетки в спокойного, даже стороннего наблюдателя. А Евгений, наоборот, у игорного стола из меланхоличного теннисиста перевоплощается в азартного ловца «госпожи удачи».

Вот и сейчас, покинув большой теннис, бывшая первая ракетка мира много времени уделяет картам. В середине октября Кафельников одержал очередную крупную победу, но не на корте, а на представительном московском турнире по покеру «Рашен Опен». В самой распространенной разновидности покера - «Омахе» - он выиграл 10 тысяч 728 долларов.

-Я давно знал об увлечении Жени покером, но никогда не думал, что он превратит хобби в источник дохода, - улыбаясь ответил Сафин на вопрос об этой карточной победе. - Да Кафельников и сейчас в Питере на покерном турнире. Я видел здесь его машину, наверное, играет в одном из клубов.

Что ж, организаторам турнира остается только надеется, что Кафельников хоть ненадолго отвлечется от поисков «флэш рояля» и заглянет на огонек в СКК. Тем более, что еще один азартный игрок уже покинул «St. Petersburg Open». Речь идет о Доминике Хрбаты. Правда, карты словак не любит, зато, как только зачехлит ракетку, идет искать счастья в букмекерскую контору, рискуя деньгами на футбольном тотализаторе.

Константин Осипов

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.04 12:58. Заголовок:

вот такие они разные на корте и в жизни наши теннисисты.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 29.10.04 14:30. Заголовок:

Что-то после Максима Медного я не особо верю Фонтанке.ру

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 01.11.04 13:42. Заголовок:


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.11.04 14:05. Заголовок:

Yevgeny Kafelnikov: The ’stubborn Russian nut’ who has given up tennis to play poker
Brian Viner
15 November 2004

Yevgeny Kafelnikov. It is a name one might almost expect to find at the top of a «Where are they now?» feature. Five years ago, he was ranked top male tennis player on the planet. Yet without officially declaring his retirement, the 30-year-old Russian, twice a Grand Slam champion and Olympic gold medallist in Sydney, has disappeared from the tournament scene, a characteristically enigmatic career move by one of the quirkiest men ever to play top-level tennis. Or top-level anything, come to that. «A stubborn Russian nut,» the assessment of his former coach, Larry Stefanki, might be considered an understatement.

Where Kafelnikov is now - at least on the chilly November day I meet him - is in Maidstone, Kent. He is here to compete in the 888.com Pacific Poker Open, which has a bigger cash incentive than many of the tennis events he played in: $10,000 (Ј5,400) just to get through round one, $500,000 to the eventual winner. Even when the prize is not so alluring, it is at the card table that Kafelnikov gets his kicks these days. But he doesn’t play just for kicks. Just as Stefanki once coached him in tennis strategy, so he has hired his compatriot Kirill Gerasimov, professional poker’s Rookie of the Year in 2002, to do the same with a deck of cards.

Under Gerasimov’s tutelage Kafelnikov seems to be developing into a formidable poker player. At a tournament in Moscow he knocked out Dave Colclough, the Roger Federer of European poker. But by all accounts he needs to introduce a little more subtlety and stealth into his game. «He’s very aggressive and likes to bully the table,» says a poker devotee of my acquaintance. «He plays poker rather like he plays tennis.»

Plays tennis? Or played? I confront the man himself with the $64,000 question. And like the poker player he has become, he takes my $64,000 question and raises another $64,000 question.

«I have retired,» he tells me, with the ghost of a smile. «But I have not officially announced it yet. Some people still think I am just taking a break, but I believe that my time in tennis has gone by. Even if I came back, I would have no chance to play at the level I was. Tennis is a young man’s sport right now. Obviously there are some exceptions, like [Andre] Agassi. He’s 34 and still competing, but he’s the one and only. And I played 1,000 matches in my tennis career. That’s more than enough, no?»

I agree with him that it probably is. There is something about Kafelnikov - I nearly wrote Kalashnikov, which would have been an understandable slip of the keys - that brooks no dissent. Partly it is his size (he is 6ft 3in but seems taller), partly his inscrutability, and partly his sheer Russian-ness. I hate to resort to clichй but there really is something of the Bond villain about him, an aura intensified by his polo-necked top and bad haircut, not to mention his friendship with some decidedly shady characters, notably Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, the alleged gangster who was arrested in connection with fixing figure-skating competitions at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.

He shrugs when I mention this association. «I am still friendly with him. There’s nothing I can do about it. I have known this guy for many, many years.’ And he shrugs again when I mention the investigation into match-fixing in tennis that was partly provoked by his withdrawal from a tournament in Lyon last year. «It was a false accusation, and I tried not to pay too much attention. But it did hurt my reputation.»

We are sitting in a small room somewhere in the bowels of Maidstone Studios, where the Pacific Poker Open is being recorded by Challenge TV. Kafelnikov has agreed to do just one interview and I am the chosen one, although frankly it doesn’t feel like much of a privilege. Kafelnikov not only plays poker like he played tennis, but handles interviews in the same unequivocal manner. Questions are like mistimed lobs; to be shown a grudging respect, then dispatched as speedily and emphatically as possible.

I ask whether he finds any similarities between poker and tennis.

«Yes,» he says. His English is excellent, if heavily accented. «You need guts in poker, as in tennis. And if you don’t believe in your ability, you don’t win. In tennis I believed in myself, that’s why I had so much success.»

Does he honestly not think he could still compete at the highest level? After all, he is the same age as Tim Henman, who has just enjoyed the best 12 months of his career.

«It is true. But Henman started his career later. I began at 19, and now it is impossible to compete with guys 10 years younger. They are more hungry. I played five or six matches indoors, at the end of 2003, and I thought, ’I can’t do this any more’. I was losing to guys who, a couple of years before, I was able to beat with only my left hand. That’s when I realised my time was gone.

«The most important thing was not to disappoint my fans. It is very hard to earn a good image in Russia. Once you do, you’re a hero. But if you then do something wrong, you’re treated like, like, I can’t even think of a word to describe it. I dedicated myself to playing for Russia. I played all Davis Cup matches, I won Olympic gold, I still have a very good image.

«So when people on the street in Moscow ask why I stopped playing, I say ’because I don’t want to see you people crying when I lose’. They understand that.»

Kafelnikov, faithful to his fierce sense of Russian identity, has no desire to live in Miami or Monte Carlo. His home is in Moscow, where he sees as much as he can of his six-year-old daughter, Alesja, from whose mother, Masha Tishkova, he is divorced. Theirs was a volatile relationship from the start. She gave up a modelling career because he demanded it, while the injury that kept him from playing in one Grand Slam event was rumoured to have been incurred during a domestic argument. A different kind of grand slam, perhaps?

Maybe Tishkova was also disapproving of his increasing devotion to golf; he is a four-handicapper and entered Russia’s amateur championship this year, striving like Ivan Lendl before him to hit a stationary ball as marvellously as he could hit a moving one. But away from the golf course and the poker table he has a business empire to run. «I have lots of businesses in Russia,» he tells me. «Mainly real estate. That is the most successful business right now in Russia.»

It seems reasonable to ask Kafelnikov, the son of a humble high-school volleyball coach, how he spends his money. I know he used to blow a great deal of it on the roulette wheel, to the point at which it was apparently becoming a problem. Poker is the only form of gambling he pursues now, but it is said that during the 1999 Australian Open he virtually took root at a roulette table in Melbourne, and reportedly lost a packet punting repeatedly on black. Remarkably, it didn’t stop him adding a second Grand Slam to his 1996 French Open title, and a few months later he was anointed world No 1. He declines to tell me how he spends his money now, incidentally, admitting only to a lifestyle that is «above the ordinary».

Changing the subject, I tell him that the British think of Russians as an emotional people. Does he ever get tearful about Mother Russia? «I do,» he says, and humour dances fleetingly in his eyes. «Especially after we lose 7-1 to Portugal in the World Cup qualifiers.»

His reason for quitting tennis was precisely to avoid such humiliating defeat, and with it the ire of his countryfolk. Kafelnikov, it seems, needs the affection of his fellow Russians more than he ever did the affection of his fellow tennis players. In 2001 he complained vigorously that top players were not paid enough, which far from earning him the plaudits of his peers, received only contempt. «He should go buy himself some perspective,» snorted Agassi.

The outburst did little to diminish his reputation among ordinary Russians, however. He still has a website immodestly called «Yevgeny Online - The Temple of the God of Tennis» and not many Russians can spot the hyperbole. To them, he is the man who donated his $137,000 prize-money after winning the 2001 Kremlin Cup to the families of those killed in a plane crash near his home town, the Black Sea resort of Sochi. He is also the man who unleashed a Russian tennis revolution.

«A lot of parents saw me when I was 20, 21, and were inspired,» he tells me matter-of-factly. «They saw that I was a guy from an ordinary family, top of the tennis world. That’s when parents started taking their kids to tennis courts in Russia, and that’s why there is so much success right now, especially in women’s tennis. They don’t need to go to America [a dig, perhaps, at Maria Sharapova?]. There are excellent facilities and coaches in Russia. But there was a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I was able to cope with it, but it was hard. There was just me, up until [Marat] Safin came through and helped me out.»

He doesn’t miss playing tennis one bit, he adds, but remains a keen spectator. He had a good record against the current world No 1, Federer - played five, won three - but recognises that the wondrous Swiss has improved since then. Might he, even, be the greatest player who ever lived?

A frown. «It is hard for me to answer. He’s good on all surfaces, very universal. Maybe his weakness is clay, but he can be successful there too. The best ever? At my time it was [Pete] Sampras. Nobody was better than him. Before that it was [Rod] Laver. It is hard to choose between those three. For me, it is hard to think that anyone could be better than Sampras, not even Federer.»

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.11.04 14:06. Заголовок:


And what of himself? Just how good was this self-styled God of Tennis? «I believe I was able to take the maximum out of my ability,» he says. «If you asked me when I started, would I win a Grand Slam, I would say no. But I won 26 singles titles, two Slams, Olympic gold. I have my gold medal on the wall of my home, in the most exposed place where everyone can see it. But all my wins are as important as each other. It is that number, 26, that is the most special to me.»

He does not, he says, have any plans to use his experience to coach others. «I do not have the patience.» And yet he has the patience to play poker, albeit in a singularly aggressive style? «Yes. I find it very exciting. Because you win not with the cards but with your skills. With body language you can win a game, but also you can lose a game.»

Interestingly enough, many of the world’s top poker players have sporting backgrounds. Doyle «Texas Dolly» Brunson, perhaps the greatest poker player ever, was a basketball prodigy whose career was ended by a knee injury. Another leading player, T J Cloutier, played pro football. At a less exalted level, snooker stars Steve Davis and Mark Williams are both highly competent poker players.

«I think it’s to do with nerve,» says my poker-loving friend. «Sportsmen know how to keep calm under pressure, they’re focused, observant, disciplined and they have a powerful winning psyche.» All of which clearly applies to Kafelnikov, in spades.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.11.04 15:15. Заголовок:

дай плиз ссылку на оригинал.

Владение русской орфографией — это как владение кунг-фу, настоящие мастера не применяют его без необходимости Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.11.04 15:26. Заголовок:

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.11.04 00:01. Заголовок:

Кафельников предпочел теннису покер
15.11.2004 19:46 ¦ «СПОРТ-ЭКСПРЕСС»

Знаменитый российский теннисист Евгений Кафельников в интервью изданию Independent заявил, что решил закончить карьеру в большом теннисе и стать профессиональным игроком в покер.
«Я ушел из тенниса, хотя официально об этом еще не объявил, - сказал Кафельников. - Некоторые люди полагают, что я просто взял перерыв, но я уверен, что закончил с теннисом. Даже если бы вернулся, то не смог бы выйти на прежний уровень».
30-летний Кафельников не выходил на корт с октября 2003 года, когда он проиграл во втором круге турнира St. Petersburg Open.
«Я начинал играть в 19 лет и сейчас уже не могу противостоять парням, которые моложе меня на 10 лет, - объясняет Кафельников. - Они больше хотят побеждать. В конце 2003 года я сыграл 5-6 матчей на закрытых кортах и понял, что не могу больше этим заниматься... Я стал уступать ребятам, которых за несколько лет до этого обыгрывал одной левой. Это заставило меня понять, что мое время ушло».
По словам бывшей первой ракетки мира, игра в покер кажется ему очень увлекательной: «Здесь имеют значение не только карты, но и уровень мастерства. С помощью языка жестов можно выиграть или проиграть. Как и в теннисе, здесь важна интуиция».

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.11.04 00:18. Заголовок:

Как и в теннисе, здесь важна интуиция».

Ой, важна. Но только считанные люди играли и играют, используя в теннисе интуицию. Кафельников из их числа.

Form is temporary, class is permanent. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.11.04 03:51. Заголовок:

Кафельников меняет теннис на покер
15.11.2004 21:31 ¦ РИА «Новости»
«Для меня очень важно не разочаровать моих фанатов и сохранить свое лицо, - признался Кафельников. - Когда болельщики подходят ко мне на улице и спрашивают, почему я прекратил играть, я отвечаю, что не хочу видеть, как они плачут из-за моих поражений».

Form is temporary, class is permanent. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.11.04 04:47. Заголовок:

Yahoo Sports тоже решил вставить свои “пять копеек”

Kafelnikov changing games, leaving tennis for poker

With a poker face, Kafelnikov announces retirement

A former No. 1 player, Kafelnikov hasn’t played in more than a year. (AP) Yevgeny Kafelnikov, who won the 1996 French Open and 1999 Australian Open but hasn’t competed in more than a year, said he is retiring at age 30. «It is impossible to compete with guys 10 years younger,» he said. What will the Russian player do with his time? Become a professional poker player.

November 15, 2004
LONDON (AP) -- Yevgeny Kafelnikov is giving up tennis to become a professional poker player.

’’I have retired,’’ the former No. 1 player said in Monday’s Independent newspaper. ’’But I have not officially announced it yet. Some people still think I am just taking a break, but I believe that my time in tennis has gone by. Even if I came back, I would have no chance to play at the level I was.’’

The 30-year-old Russian hasn’t played since losing in the second round of the St. Petersburg Open in October 2003.

’’I began at 19, and now it is impossible to compete with guys 10 years younger,’’ Kafelnikov said. ’’They are more hungry. I played five or six matches indoors, at the end of 2003, and I thought, ’I can’t do this any more.’ I was losing to guys who, a couple of years before, I was able to beat with only my left hand. That’s when I realized my time was gone.’’

Kafelnikov won the 1996 French Open, the 1999 Australian Open, a gold medal at the 2000 Olympics, the 2002 Davis Cup and 26 ATP titles. He held the top ranking during the 1999 season.

’’The most important thing was not to disappoint my fans,’’ he said. ’’It is very hard to earn a good image in Russia. So when people on the street in Moscow ask why I stopped playing, I say ’because I don’t want to see you people crying when I lose.’ They understand that.’’

Kafelnikov, known for his love of roulette while on the tennis circuit, is competing in a poker tournament in Maidstone, south of London.

’’I find it very exciting,’’ he said. ’’Because you win not with the cards but with your skills. With body language you can win a game, but also you can lose a game. You need guts in poker, as in tennis. And if you don’t believe in your ability, you don’t win. In tennis I believed in myself, that’s why I had so much success.’’

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.11.04 04:54. Заголовок:

Приветик всем,
Статейка в Индепендент, на мой взгляд, вполне ничего. Если опустить набившую оскомину таинственность и непостижимость русской натуры, а также упоминание о дружбе с Тохтахуновым, и тот факт, что это отнюдь не Женя позиционировал себя как God of Tennis, а один из его фанов, то вполне профессионально. Хороший язык . Стиль тоже ничего. В общем, на четверочку. Читать можно.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.11.04 04:57. Заголовок:

Самое главное, что пишут. Не забыли.
Рада тебя видеть. Что так давно не заходила к нам?

Form is temporary, class is permanent. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 16.11.04 12:07. Заголовок:

Очень приятно, что меня помнят.
Пишу редко, потому что живу на два дома. Читаю форум всегда, а пишу, когда бываю в Киеве и выпадает свободная минутка.

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аватары да, автозамена ссылок вкл, премодерация откл, правка нет